Home.Worm Art.Shrimp Worm.Woodlice Worm.Book Worm.Invertebrate Media.Doulan Worms.
Now entering the woodlice box!
Our humble little garden is a mishmash of manicured mossy lawns, overgrown mounds of ferns and bramble, and evergreen forest dotted with deadwood piles. It is here in which we have discovered our colony - huddled under one particular log,, half-sliding down a ditch. Clustering to ward off the crisp December air, woodlice of all shapes and sizes take refuge. Some skitter away from our disturbance, others hunker down in the nooks and crannies of the bark, while a few comically flip over upon their backs and “play dead”. We have scooped a select few into a purpose-built vivarium with an abundance of moss, cover, and dead leaves, where they live out their lives as our treasured pets. Details follow below on the species identified within this colony, and their little personalities. We hope they make you smile as they have with us!